" EEG Code Comprehension Study

Participate in EEG Code Comprehension Study

Participate in EEG Code Comprehension Study


You have at least basic Python coding experience equivalent to completing an Introduction to Python course.

You are right-handed, at least 18 years old and in healthy condition.


Upon completion of the experiment you will receive a compensation of 30 CHF (preferrably via Twint).

You will also receive a personal EEG data report containing visualizations of your brain activity during the experiment.

Sign Up

By using an EEG (Electroencephalography) system, this lab study aims to investigate the brain activity and cognitive load of developers while solving code comprehension tasks. The EEG lab is located at the Institute of Informatics UZH in Oerlikon (BIN 1.A.09). The experiment takes about 45-60 minutes (+ approx. 30 minutes setup/clean up time). Download our consent form for further information. Contact us if you have any questions.